Are there other jobs in different industries that translation professionals would work well in?
Absolutely. Almost every sector has some use for a translation professional. I’m going to list just a few examples, but really, you can let your imagine roam free here.

First, if you have any kind of financial background, are bilingual or multilingual, and are used to interfacing with the public, there is, at this point, a huge demand for your services. Think banking, investment services, stock brokerages, etc. These firms often need someone to handle their client relationships or client acquisitions, and they sometimes even have specific openings or divisions that deal with ex-pats of other countries or visitors to the U.S. You can look specifically for multinational, global firms that have a presence in the U.S. Another thought, also in the financial sector: wire departments and currency trading divisions in banks.
Those seem obvious to me: need I say more? One more example should suffice to get folks going, and that’s. Museum docents, for example, who give tours are much more able to serve a large portion of the visiting public if they can explain exhibits in several languages. Travel professionals who also speak or understand more than one language can work either as tour operators (on the interpretive end) or travel arrangers of interesting and exotic stays and/or meetings in foreign locales (on the translation end). So whatever your specialization, should you have one, there’s probably an industry that can use your translation skills.
By Adriana Tassini
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