Do translation professionals normally work in-house or as a consultant?

Do translation professionals normally work in-house or as a consultant?

I’m a freelancer—and always have been—so my experience is skewed here, as all my translation projects are as a consultant. So from my perspective, translation professionals normally work that way, i.e., as consultants. However, there are numerous in-house translation jobs available. Again, this is just my experience, but I’ve found that most agencies seem to be comfortable having their translation professionals and even their project managers telecommute as consultants on a per-hire basis. Nonetheless, there are some agencies that want you in-house, and more of them prefer that if you’re a PM. Now, if you want to work for a large company that uses translation professionals, then that’s undoubtedly a different situation, and you’d be more likely to be in-house, at least from what I can see, as you’d work for that company.

-By Adriana Tassini

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