Translator Certification Test - Do You Have What It Takes to Pass?
If you want to become a translator, you need to have verification of your translation abilities. While this is not a stated requirement for a lot of employers, it will greatly improve your chances of being hired.

There are several venues you could look into to receive your translation training. Perhaps the most logical way to go about this is through the internet. You can complete the entire program and take your translation certification test right at home, working your studies and testing around your existing schedule. It may be hard to take a night class or work some pre-existing training time slot into your schedule, so going through everything online is the most logical route to take. You can still spend time with your family and work to make a temporary living while you train to get into a career that you will actually enjoy.
Getting to the point where you can take the translator certification test only takes a few months of time. During this training, you will have access to a variety of resources that will make you a better linguist and communicator as a whole. Translating is about much more than knowing two languages. It is about knowing how to effectively move information from one language to the next without losing something significant in the process. You must be quick, knowledgeable, passionate, and certified if you want to make it big in this industry.
Once you complete your training program, you can take the actual translator certification test. Assuming you pass that, you will be given a certificate that verifies your credentials as a translator. That will greatly improve your chances of being noticed by employers because it shows your commitment to your career. Sacrificing those few months to train and test will be well worth it when you see the employment opportunities available to you. You can apply to a job with confidence if you have a certification in hand, and you can reassure the people reviewing your application that you are indeed prepared to take on their position.
-By Adriana Tassini
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