What is the single, most valuable piece of experience I could get that would help me have a successful long-term career in the translation industry?

Although I didn’t do this, and so I’m guessing to some extent, I think that an internship could prove more valuable than any other single piece of experience. A close second might well be a certification program. Why this or these? You are looking for something that will lead to a) a successful and b) long-term career in the c) translation industry. To be successful in the translation industry, you need to know what you’re doing, and both an internship and certification program will go far in that direction. To have a long-term career, you need to have picked the right type of job and sub-sector in the first place, or else you may wind up dissatisfied in the long run. This argues for an internship, which will give you a good hands-on view from the inside, before it’s too late to change focus—or even to change careers, if the translation industry turns out not to be your cup of tea.
By Adriana Tassini
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