Do translation professionals need to worry about continuing education?

Do translation professionals need to worry about continuing education?

Yes, very much so. You need to stay current on a number of levels:

  1. Linguistic skills. Languages morph, and—at least for me—my ability to speak a language I’m not using daily can rust over surprisingly quickly. You need to keep your writing, reading, and speaking skills active in all your languages.
  2. Translation skills. You should be growing in your craft every time you take on a new project. But you still want to make sure there aren’t better, more effective, or innovative ways of accomplishing what you do on a regular basis.
  3. Industry-specific skills. If you’re doing medical or judicial interpreting, there are industry-specific regulations that you need to be aware of. One of the biggest sea-changes in the medical profession, for example, has been the new privacy regulations through HEPA, and any professional involved even peripherally needs to be aware of them and their ramifications.
  4. Cultural knowledge. There are some fields where this is more relevant than others.
  5. Knowledge of the tools of the trade. This is currently a very dynamic part of the profession, due to the inroads that computers, the internet, cloud computing, and CAT tools have made.
  6. Marketing/ business tools. If you want to grow your business, instead of letting it stagnate or wither, these are good to keep abreast of—which leads us to the next question.

-By Adriana Tassini

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