How to Choose the Best Translator Certification Program - Translation Education Programs
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Translation programs assume you already have fluency in two languages. Maybe only university programs would allow more basic studies of a language. Many students of translation are bilingual. It is not necessary to have been raised speaking two languages to be a translator, but it definitely helps. If more language training is required, a university option may be the best. University translation degrees also include extensive training in culture, history, context, grammar, and composition. The training is intense and completion of the programs qualifies you to start working professionally. How to choose the best translator certification program may be an issue of what specialty you choose. Universities are top of the line when it comes to training for specific fields of translation like medical, law, or business.
How to choose the best translator certification program may be up to the time you have available. Shorter programs may be better for working adults or those looking to enhance a career. Translation jobs require solid training and experience. If you have a solid knowledge of languages but lack training in translation, a conference or community college program may be better. These take little time, anywhere from two weeks, to six months and result in certification to work professionally.
Community and career college translation programs offer many of the same classes as university programs, but in less depth. The downside to shorter programs is that they offer far less experience. Most translation jobs require 3-5 years experience. There really are no entry level positions. Experience may be earned in different ways such as internships, or volunteer positions. How to choose the best translator certification program may depend upon the experience you already have and what you need to acquire. Online programs are also quite beneficial to students who need more flexibility. Some of them offer their entire program online so the course can be completed from anywhere.
-By Adriana Tassini
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