How important is it to create a good rapport with colleagues and peers as a translation professional?

Very much so. There are four levels this applies:
- Getting help from your peers or colleagues if you’re stuck on a phrase.
- Getting referrals from colleagues if you want them to pass a client on if they (the colleague) is too busy.
- Creating teams if you want to branch out into new areas.
- Do you want to work for agencies? Most are run by your peers and colleagues. Whom do you think they’ll call in a pinch? The curmudgeon who never replies to calls for availabilities, complains about every issue, and is difficult or the friendly professional who deals with them promptly and politely—as well as competently?
And you never know when someone who was a peer will be in a position to hire you in the future, as well. What goes round comes round.
-By Adriana Tassini
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